Presentation in Montreal

Dr. Claude Dauphin, the co-founder of the SRDMH archive and top musicologist of Haitian music, asked me to present at the conference entitled “Valorisation des répertoires musicaux classiques afro-diasporiques” on September 30 in Montreal to publicize their new digital editions of Haitian art music. I presented on the topic, given from Dr. Dauphin: “Uses and Categories of Syncopated Rhythm Notation in Piano Art Music from Haiti (Méringue-Quintolet), Puerto Rico (Elastic Tresillo) and Cuba (Cinquillo).” I also provided the closing performance of Julio Racine’s Vodou Jazz Flute Sonata with Dr. Dauphin’s wife, Edith.

I will make similar presentations for the online version of the 2023 World Piano Conference, which will go online in November, and the MMTA State Conference at Mississippi State on October 27th.

Getting ready to depart at the airport with SRDMH founder and Haitian musicologist Dr. Claude Dauphin, his wife Edith, and SRDMH editor of piano music Robert Grenier
Performing with Edith
Demonstrating the Tresillo-based Five-Beat Syncopated Rhythm
Lunch with Haitian composer Gifrants, his wife, and Louise Toppin, who started a database of African-American song repertoire